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A gallery of some old Schrodinger's Cat Pictures, click for larger versions

Schrodingers Cat 1

Above - our earliest line-up, a photo for Felix, the student newspaper.
From L to R Front: Jim Clayden, John Lambert, Nick Coates Back: Isabel O'Brien, Sara Shepherd.

Schrodingers Cat 1

Above from L to R: Tony, John Lambert, Zed, Isabel Obrien

Schrodingers Cat 1

Above from L to R: Isabel Obrien, John Lambert, Tony, Zed, Jim Clayden

Schrodingers Cat 1

Above from L to R: Isabel Obrien, John Lambert, Tony, Zed

Schrodingers Cat 1

Above from L to R: John Lambert, Zed, Jim Clayden, Tony, Isabel O'brien


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